Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Around the House: What's Irritating Your Skin?

Common Culprits That Irritate Skin
The causes of dry, itchy skin run the gamut of your environment. In your home, they may include:
  • Clothes. If wearing a sweater makes you itch, you’re not alone. Wool and polyester both commonly irritate skin, especially in people with sensitive skin.
  • Dry air. Air conditioning and heat both reduce humidity in your home, causing dry air to suck moisture out of your skin. If your thermostat has a humidity control function, set the level a bit higher. If not, you can keep a humidifier in your bedroom to add moisture to the air while you sleep.
  • Fabric softener. It can make your laundry smell and feel great, but for some people, fabric softener can irritate skin, causing dryness, itching, or a rash.
  • Harsh soaps. Soaps can strip away the lipid layer that protects your skin and keeps it moist, resulting in irritation and dryness. Added fragrance and dyes can further irritate your skin.
  • Hot water. Love a hot shower or a soak in the tub? Consider toning it down to warm. Hot water is hard on your skin and actually dries it out.
  • Pets. An allergy to cats or dogs can cause dry, itchy skin, among other symptoms.
  • Scented products. The fragrance in fabric softener may be an obvious irritant, but scents that aren’t as strong can also cause dry skin. Assess other products you regularly use, such as body washes and perfumes.

How to Beat Causes of Dry Skin
The best way to pamper skin is to treat it gently. Once you rid your house of known irritants, follow these additional tips:
  • Break the itch-scratch-dryness cycle. Dry skin is often also itchy skin, and not scratching it is a must. “Work to manage itching and stop the cycle of itching and scratching,” advises Maria Tsoukas, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago Medical Center. “Scratching causes the skin to be irritated because the skin’s barrier is disrupted.” Your dermatologist may recommend an antihistamine or a prescription medication to stop your itching.
  • Switch to a gentle body cleanser. Pick a formula made for sensitive skin. Avoid foaming, scented, or dyed products, as those ingredients can be drying.
  • Avoid antibacterial products. Antibacterial soaps and lotions can dry out your skin and “are not indicated for use by a person with good immunity on a daily basis,” says Dr. Tsoukas.
  • Watch your bath time. Keep your bath or shower under 10 minutes to limit your exposure to water. And of course, bathe in warm, not hot, water.
  • Use moisturizer. Put it on immediately after you gently towel off to hold the moisture in your skin.
  • Wear gloves. Protect the skin of your hands when washing dishes, cleaning, or gardening.
  • Use your dishwasher. Don’t feel you have to hand wash every dish. Hot water and dish soap may irritate your hands.
  • Launder smarter. Use liquid hypoallergenic laundry detergents if regular detergents bother you.
  • Control temperatures. Keep a constant temperature in your home and try to avoid frequent changes from hot to cold, as this is drying to skin.

Being able to identify what causes dry skin in your everyday environment can help you keep your skin healthy. But if the suggestions above don’t alleviate your symptoms, it’s time to see a professional. “If you’re still itchy, see a dermatologist to evaluate and treat your dry skin,” says Dr. Boh. You don’t have to live with dry, itchy skin, and working with a dermatologist can help.


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