Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Treating Brown Spots

Brown spots on the skin can be caused by many things — sun exposure, pregnancy, or just the vagaries of aging. But there are several tricks you can use to treat brown spots and make them fade. Here’s how to clear away the dark spots.
Stop further damage. Sun exposure will only deepen brown spots and make them harder to fade. Be sure that you avoid sun exposure during the peak hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you do need to be outside, apply a full-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, and wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat to shield your face and skin from ultraviolet rays.
Try home remedies. All-natural home treatments for brown spots may take longer to get the job done, but they can be just as effective as the tools and therapies doctors use. If your spots are sun-related, try a little lime juice mixed with yogurt, or a solution of apple cider vinegar diluted with water. Castor oil may help fade liver spots. Lemon juice can be dabbed onto the spots to help fade them over time, or you can just place a slice of lemon in the area for 15 minutes each day. The lactic acid in milk can help speed cell turnover, which can help fade spots quicker — buttermilk contains more lactic acid than regular milk, so dabbing it on your spots several times a day may be even more effective. You can also include dairy products in a facial mask and apply it often.
Get a little vitamin therapy. Antioxidants can help your brown spots disappear. You can apply vitamin E oil directly to the marks, and you can also take it internally. In addition, creams that contain vitamin A or retin-A can help in treating brown spots.
Eat healthier. Flavonoids, antioxidants found in citrus fruits, ginkgo, tea, wine, and dark chocolate, may help make your skin healthier from the inside out. Soy products and fava beans contain other antioxidants, isoflavones, that may also help improve the appearance of your skin.
See a doctor. If home remedies don’t do the job, a dermatologist can examine your brown spots to ensure that they aren’t anything serious, like skin cancer. Your doctor may recommend more intensive therapies, like laser treatments, microdermabrasion, or even cryotherapy, which involves applying liquid nitrogen to the spots to remove them. These more intensive solutions may be more painful and expensive, but they will also clear up your brown spots much faster than the natural home remedies.


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