Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Easy Treatments For Back Acne

Back acne can result from clogged pores, just like facial acne, and can be related to other conditions such as plugged follicles (keratosis pilaris) or sweat bumps (miliaria). It is often exacerbated by friction from clothing. Even in the winter, layers of clothing can cause irritation and sweating, resulting in breakouts on the back. To keep your back clear, follow these easy tips.
The skin on the back doesn’t turn over as quickly as the skin on your face, so you need to get rid of dead cells by exfoliating it with a body scrub. Scrubs for the body and back contain exfoliating ingredients that use larger and coarser particles than those in face scrubs, since back skin is less sensitive. You can apply the scrub with a bath brush, a natural loofah, or try a nylon bath strap, available at your local Asian market.
Scrubs made specifically for back acne with lactic or salicylic acid (like Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash, Pink Grapefruit with 2 percent salicylic acid, $7.99, at drugstores) are best at dissolving the buildup that causes body breakouts. Or try a wash with benzoyl peroxide, like DDF Pumice Acne Scrub, $35,
Homemade sloughers
Make your own scrub (and save money in the process) by combining exfoliating ingredients from your pantry, like oatmeal, cornmeal, sugar, salt, coffee, or crushed almonds, with moisturizing and detoxifying ingredients such as yogurt, honey, olive oil, avocado, citrus fruits, and essential oils.
Wear loose clothing
This will help prevent friction, which can clog sweat glands and lead to sweat bumps. If you are wearing tight, stretchy workout clothes, or heavy layers of sweaters, try to shower more often, especially after being active.
By following these easy tips, your back will clear up soon--and look sexy and ready to bare by summer!


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