Olive oil has been prized as a skin care and beauty product since the ancient Greek and Roman era. It is a quick drying oil that is useful for those with dry skin. It also serves as an excellent hair conditioning ingredient. Making a good olive oil facial scrub doesn't require a lot of experience, and it will really help improve both your complexion and your confidence in your ability to fashion your own beauty products.
Gather the following materials from a botanical soap supply store:
1 ounce vegetable glycerin
2 ounces extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon aloe butter
1/2 cup distilled water
This is all you need to make a good olive oil facial scrub at home.
Put the extra virgin olive oil, aloe butter, and distilled water in a glass mixing bowl. Microwave the bowl on high for three minutes. This melts the ingredients and brings them to a suitable temperature for adding the vegetable glycerin. Stir in the vegetable glycerin and whisk the mixture for approximately five minutes.
Apply the scrub to your face and work it in with your fingertips. Leave it on your face as a mask for five minutes and then rinse with warm and then cool water. Rinsing with warm water assures that no residue is left behind, leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Rinsing the final time with cold water tightens and closes your pores after they have been cleansed with your homemade facial soap.
Washing your face like this once a day is an ideal way to achieve a healthy glow and clean complexion. Twice a day is optimal, especially if you are wearing makeup. If necessary, use a makeup removal cream first to remove the makeup before washing your face with this homemade soap. This is because this soap is gentle and may not fully remove your makeup. Makeup that is left behind eventually gets stuck in your pores and blocks them.
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