Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Feed Your Face: Hydrate for Plumper, Firmer Skin

I travel by airplane once or twice a month, and all that flying can really dehydrate my skin, so I've made a conscious effort to drink more water. However, as I've written before, I don't like the taste of water (or lack thereof). In fact, my staff used to call me the desert rat because I could go all day without a sip. This year, I made a resolution to drink more water, and so far I think I'm doing a pretty good job (and my skin looks better). If you fly frequently, live in a dry climate, or just want plumper skin, remember to stay hydrated. Here are some of my tricks to making water more tasty:
  • Add fruit. Slice some lemon or cucumber into a pitcher of water so you'll always have a tasty cold drink. If you don't have a fridge at work, or you're always on the go, put half a lemon or orange in a Ziploc bag and squeeze a few drops of fresh juice into your water bottle now and then.
  • Have a "cocktail." Sweet, candy-colored cocktails go down easily, but alcohol can end up dehydrating you. When I'm out with friends, I try to have just one real cocktail — then I switch to cranberry and club soda. I love the bubbles, and it's more fun to drink than plain water. (It's also a great option if you're the designated driver for the night.)
  • Make tea. Many teas contain caffeine, which is a diuretic, meaning it flushes water from your body. While this can be helpful when you're bloated, too much caffeine can dehydrate you, making your cheeks look drawn and your wrinkles more prominent. Instead, drink caffeine-free or herbal teas, such as chamomile and mint. At Starbucks, choose iced herbal tea instead of a Frappuccino.


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