Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Beautiful Skin in Just 5 Minutes a Day!

You don’t have to follow a lengthy or complicated skin care regimen in order to have beautiful skin. In fact, all it takes is a few minutes — and a few healthy habits — to get your complexion glowing. Here’s how to do it.
Wear sunscreen. Dermatologists all consider this the number-one recommendation for your skin’s health — it’ll help slow the aging process, keep skin from getting damaged and prevent skin cancer. You should choose a high-SPF sunscreen and apply it every day, even if you aren’t spending much time outdoors or the day is overcast.
Search out the right skin care products. Choose products that are made for your skin type — dry, oily, acne-prone — and that are as gentle as possible. All-natural products can help keep your skin looking beautiful without using potentially harsh chemicals. Wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser, and follow up with a light moisturizer.
Massage your face. Taking five minutes to give yourself a facial massage a few times a week can help you relieve stress and improve circulation to your skin — and give you gorgeous, glowing skin.
Get a little green tea. Keep moist green tea bags handy in your fridge, and put them on your eyes for five minutes when you need a little pick-me-up. The cold temperature and caffeine will help reduce puffiness around your eyes and the antioxidants in the green tea will help refresh your skin and keep it looking youthful.
Exfoliate regularly. We’re not talking about a rough scrub — a good moisturizer with alpha-hydroxy acid in it will help you slough off the dry, dead skin cells and reveal the fresher layer beneath it.
Apply a five-minute mask. Refresh your skin fast with an all-natural (and super fast) egg-white mask. Separate an egg, then apply the white to your face for five minutes before you rinse it off. The egg’s proteins can moisturize and strengthen your skin and help it look fresher.
Live healthier. Many of the best habits for more beautiful skin are habits that will benefit your overall health. Start by eating a healthy diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins, and drinking at least eight glasses of water per day to keep your skin hydrated. Next, be sure you get your beauty sleep — doctors recommend about eight hours a day for the average adult. And try to minimize the amount of stress in your life, as stress can cause harmful chemical imbalances in your system that could result in premature aging.


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